Pro Ag Supply provides PureGrade liquid fertilizers along with a line of micronutrients and soil amendments. These products not only increase yields, but also allow for easy handling and enhanced efficiency. We offer a wide range of bulk fertilizers to help you create the best plant and soil health possible. The following fertilizers are available:
Primary, secondary and micronutrients are essential for crop development. Each is important to the plant, yet required in vastly different amounts. Our range of fertilizer solutions consists of:
Ask us how we can help with your fertilizer applications!
Pro Ag Supply proudly introduces ProShot™, a low salt 6-24-6 liquid fertilizer high in orthophosphates ideally suited for in-furrow and foliar applications. It is completely seed safe and especially designed to be placed in-furrow during planting. ProShot can also be safely foliar applied to correct nutrient deficiencies and promote a healthy crop.
Ask about ProShot™ Plus with a built-in micronutrient pack!
Low temperatures can tie up valuable soil nutrients. In-furrow positioning at planting provides young root systems with an immediately available source of 100% water-soluble nutrients.
PROshot can be safely placed in-furrow with the seed in most soils or positioned 2x2 from the seed during planting without fear of reduced germination.
Young plants emerge stronger, plants move quickly through the vegetative stage, earlier and more uniform tasseling occurs, and plants mature faster producing the highest quality crops with top yields.
Plus, ProShot™ can be foliar applied without fear of leaf damage.
Pro Ag Supply proudly introduces a spin- off of ProShot™, ProShot II™. A low salt 6-22-2 liquid fertilizer high in orthophosphates ideally suited for in-furrow and foliar applications. ProShot II™ was introduced to become a more affordable option amidst the high input prices and low commodity prices. It is completely seed safe and especially designed to be placed in-furrow during planting. ProShot can also be safely foliar applied to correct nutrient deficiencies and promote a healthy crop.
ProShot™ Plus 6-24-6 is a formulation of NPK with a shot of micronutrients, including copper, manganese and zinc. This special formulation provides the macro and micronutrients crops need to reach maximum yield potential.
Banding ProShot™ during planting is more effective and can reduce broadcast P and K rates by one-third to one-half. Banding puts nutrients into the root zone and reduces nutrient fixation. Growers can save just by changing from broadcast to banding.
ProShot™ with MicroCarb® is a low salt 6-24-4 liquid fertilizer high in orthophosphates ideally suited for in-furrow applications. ProShot with MicroCarb features essential nutrients plus fulvic acid to maximize early season growth and enhance nutrient availability. ProShot with MicroCarb encourages quicker crop emergence, growth, crop maturity and dry down.
ProShot™ MCX is a low-salt 6-24-4 liquid fertilizer high in orthophosphates ideally suited for in-furrow applications. ProShot MCX features essential nutrients plus fulvic acid and patent-pending ammonium acetate technology to maximize early season growth and enhance nutrient availability. ProShot MCX encourages quicker crop emergence, growth, crop maturity and dry down.
Power Pass technology is a dual action patent-pending technology. It not only increases crop performance but also aids in enhancing storability for select low-salt starter fertilizers.
Power Pass technology increases crop performance by enhancing plant health, nutrient absorption and field performance. The addition of Power Pass technology with starter fertilizer applications increases the absorption of other applied nutrients. More nutrients in the plant equates to better overall plant health. Adequate nutrition prepares a plant to better defend against environmental stressors such as drought, insect pressure, and disease pressure.
Yield at harvest is a strong indicator of the efficacy of a fertilizer treatment. In The Andersons third-party and in-house trials, the addition of Power Pass™ technology consistently increased yield at harvest in various geographies.
Power Pass technology in a fertilizer solution enhances storability for select low-salt starter fertilizers. In testing, Season Pass Diamond with MicroCarb and Season Pass Plus Diamond with MicroCarb showed an average decrease of 4 degrees in salt-out temperature when Power Pass technology was added. Depression of salt-out temperature is common in Diamond products but may not occur with all GoldStart® products. Power Pass technology will not prevent freezing or crystals forming over the winter months. In the spring, following overwintering of product, Pro Ag always recommends recirculating tanks with appropriate agitation prior to pumping product from tanks.
Bio Pass™ is a robust microbial package specifically designed to work in synergy with your liquid starter fertilizer program for corn and wheat. Bio Pass' specialized blend of bacteria works together in the soil to help kick-off seedlings’ early season growth while enhancing the uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other essential nutrients throughout the season.
Soil pH is the foundation of nutrient availability and critical to maximizing crop yield. The availability of all nutrients is impacted by soil pH levels, especially phosphorus (P).
When soil pH is below 6.0, it can reduce your yield by as much as 30%. Calcium Products’ 98G pelletized limestone is the most effective and consistent product to correct and maintain soil pH.
SO4 supplies a strong initial release of sulfur followed by a steady supply throughout the growing season, perfectly matching plant needs. Averaged over 67 trials across the Midwest, SO4 increases corn yield by 15.4 bushels/acre compared to no sulfur.
ContaiN is a nitrogen management product that pairs with Xcelerated Nitrogen Technology with the urease inhibitor, NBPT, creating a powerful nitrogen management aid that works above and below the soil.
Ideal for pairing with urea or UAN to efficiently increase nitrogen usage and reduce loss due to volatilization and improve below ground efficiency. ContaiN can be used with multiple sources of fertilizer.