Pro Ag Supply • 4750 6th Avenue SE • Aberdeen, SD 57401 • 605-225-9221
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Channel Seed

Seedsmanship At Work

Channel Seed Products

Pro Ag Supply offers Channel seed, and their commitment to providing income to the customer is top notch. Channel is priced to value, they know that no other input will have as much impact on income opportunity. Channel seed has industry leading germplasm, herbicide resistance, insect control, product risk management, and the opportunity to generate more gross and net income than ever before.

channel seed logo

Seedsmanship is what truly sets Channel apart from other seed brands. It’s their unmatched ability to provide you with the expert advice and customized service that helps get the most yield out of your acres. It’s the added value of year-round service combined with elite seed products that you can only get from Channel.

Contact us for more information
channel seed delivery

Channel® Corn

Channel corn seed genetics are sourced globally and tested locally, allowing your Channel Seedsman to bring you choices with superior performance potential. We offer a wide range of trait choices to protect the yield potential those genetics deliver.

Channel® Corn Traits

Genuity® is a family of leading traits designed to work together to help maximize yield potential and minimize risk in Channel seed products. These traits can:

  • deliver high yield potential every season, even in adverse conditions
  • help to maximize your seed investment
  • consistently deliver future trait innovations

Through our partnership with you, we are recommending products to help you maximize your profit potential.

Learn more about Channel® Corn
channel corn

Channel® Soybeans

Channel® Soybeans offer enhanced genetic diversity and more options for more growing conditions with improved disease tolerance and yield potential.

Channel® Soybean Traits

Genuity® is a family of leading traits designed to work together to help maximize yield potential and minimize risk. Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® products can deliver high yield potential every season, even in adverse conditions and help to maximize your seed investment. Through our partnership with you, our Seedsmen can recommend products that help you maximize your profit potential.

Learn more about Channel® Soybeans